Saturday, December 25, 2010

December 25, 2010

Today was Evas first Christmas in America. Our morning started with Niko puking.. then it moved to poor Eva puking.. Now Daddy is sick....
Eva got a kick out of dancing Mickey.. Eva loved her new table and chairs that Mema got her as well as all of the other tons and tons of goodies.. .Tons and Tons of presents everywhere. Santa was so good to her.. . and Grandma surprised Eva with tickets to see Ernie, Big Bird, Elmo and all their friends in February.
We think all the presents were pretty overwhelming for her.. she had a ball with presents and family. Mema, Grandma and Shannon came over early for Breakfast.. then we started presents.. then lunch.. then Uncle Billy came over... then more presents.. then dinner.. then Papa Mike came over.. then more presents... Fun day.. lots of fun.... and yes.. still more presents to open.. tomorrow is another day!
More pix will be posted soon.

December 24, 2010

A Year ago Today December 24th, 2009 - It was official that Eva became a Majer...

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

December 7, 2010

Eva - Day One of Meeting... One Year Ago Today... December 7, 2009

Eva - One Year Later.. December 7, 2010

December 7, 2010

Today is the 1 year anniversary of meeting Eva. (December 7th) – We cannot believe that one year ago today was the day we were able to say the words “we are parents”, “it’s a girl”. We remember walking into the orphanage excited but scared – and it is unbelievable how everything worked out so perfectly.

Eva was so scared – with her beautiful blue eyes wide as can be and her fists clenched so tight. We knew in less than a second that she was our daughter… and here we are a year later – walking, talking, starting to go to the bathroom on the potty, hair growing in, sprouting out, singing, dancing….

We have a nice day planned today. We grabbed a bite to eat, Eva got a new doll – We went to Washington Park for the lights in the park – we had fun.. "awesome" and "wow" were Evas words.. lol. After driving through the park we went to Santas workshop and saw Santa again. Eva sat on his lap and liked him. As we left she was saying "bye santa".. It was so cute. Also, there was a Snowman and Reindeer there.

We are looking forward to many many more fun times..

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

December 2010

It's been a while since we posted. We have been busy with work and getting ready for xmas. November was a busy month. Perogie making, shopping trip, Thanksgiving...

Here is a picture of Eva with the Coca Cola Bear - she sunk right in and absolutely loved him.

Today (Dec 1) was a doctor appt for Eva for her 2nd part of her Flu Shot. While in the waiting room a woman asked us how old Eva was. We told her 19 months and she said wow, her vocabulary is amazing - wide range - she speaks so well and all of her words very clear - She was a speach therapist and was amazed by Eva... :)

Today before daycare the pillow pet commercial was on and Eva went nuts - WOW - Oh Boy.. Awesome... were her words... lol.. Hopefully Santa brings one for her.. She said to me in a singing voice "i love you, you love me" - I was amazed.. lol She is so cute.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Halloween 2010

Here are some pix from Halloween..Our little butterfly...... She had so much fun at the Knights of Columbus on Saturday and Trick or Treating on Sunday. Eva stayed overnight at Grandma Zelaskos (Mema's) house on Saturday. They had lots of fun.

Friday, October 29, 2010

October 29, 2010

Today was an eventful day. Started the morning by bringing Eva to Grandma Zelasko's house. We made it there fine - but when mommy tried to leave to go to work, daddys car (mommy had it) would not start... so, Grandma and Eva had to bring mommy to work (after Eva ate her eggs, sausage and toast). Well - seeing she didnt have time to digest... about 1/2 way to mommys work, Eva puked all over herself ... not a pretty sight.. poor little girl was crying yelling meow meow... both were drowning in puke... Got to work and wiped her up and off to grandmas she went.

When she got to grandmas - she ate breakfast (again).. and was fine all day long. They did a little shopping and got some cute shoes, stickers, minnie mouse.. and not sure what else Eva got out of grandma..... lol.

We were downstairs at grandmas and she was saying "potty" "potty".. well we brought her upstairs and took off her diaper, sat her on the toilet.. i thought she was faking making grunting noise and when i pulled her off grandma said look in the toilet.. there was poopie.. she actually went poopie on the pottie.. it was so exciting... she got off the toilet, flushed it and started clapping saying "Yeah"..

Here are some pix that grandma too today..

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Misc Oct

Mon, Tues and Wed (Oct 25, 26, 27) Eva was with Grandma Majer. She had a good time.... Tomorrow she is staying with Grandma Zelasko.

Here are some misc pix taken this month.

October 28, 2010

Today was Mommy - Eva Day. We had a wonderful fun day. We started the morning at like 6:45AM with milk and donuts... Then we started our day off to Saratoga Lake. It was a pretty foggy morning... But as the sun started shining through it was a beautiful sight.

We visited Grandpa today on his birthday. Eva was dressed in a beautiful dress for Grandpa.....He is 63 today. It was a pretty emotional morning - even more emotional when i got Eva to say Happy Birthday Grandpa. We miss and love you so much Dad/Grandpa... we so wish you were s right here in front of us so we can give you a big hug.
Then we were off to Walmart to get a few odds and ends. As we were there.. we saw a pix place in there and Eva got her pix taken. Then we went to Wendys to get some food and to my work so everyone can see Eva. After there we went to Bed Bath & Beyond, then the Latham Walmart to pick up pictures.. then over to Michaels Crafts. After there we decided to call Nanny. She was not home (didnt answer) so we decided to drive over. We pulled up and Eva was yelling Nanny, Nanny. I didn't see Nanny - until i pulled up a little more and there she was.. lol.... So, we went in to Nannys house and visited for a few hours. I gave Nanny a picture of my dad that I just picked up and she had it sitting up on her couch. Eva went right over to it and started saying Papa and Pape pointing at the picture. Then she went over to other pictures and pointed to my dad saying Papa and Pape.. Today was the most that I have ever heard her say it. She had a good time playing with Nanny.

Aunt Mary and cousin Jody were picking up Nanny at 4, so we went down to meet them outside and then Eva and I went home to meet Daddy. Then Daddy, Niko, Mommy and Eva went for a walk.

Now Daddy is laying Eva down for Night Night....

Here are some pictures from today.....

Oct 27, 2010

Today we had a nice time for my bday. Grandma Z brought us over Red Lobster for dinner... it was yummy... we ate tons of food...and didn't have room for any cake.. 3 of them we

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

October 26, 2010

Today was Eva's 18 month visit at the doctors.... Poor little girl had to get her first round of the flu shot as well as per Hep A shot. (back again in a month). She is doing very well. Doctor says she is ahead of schedule verbally - she is going to be a very tall girl.

Her Weight was 28 pounds (91 percentile), height was 34 1/3 (99 percentile) and her Head Circum is 48 (87 percentile).

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

October 20, 2010

Yesterday was our first visit with the social workers since Eva has come into our lives. It was a nice visit and everything went very well..... We had to provide 2 copies of 6 pictures.. oh boy we didn't realize how hard it was to ONLY pick out 6....

Eva, Daddy, Mommy, Niko and Nanny went over to Grandma Zelaskos house today for dinner. Daddy couldn't stay long, he went into work early today - so just the girls (and Niko) hung out for a while. Eva still can't say grandma (well, she has said it a few times) - but now calling Grandma Zelasko "Pica" .. She picked up a picture of Dutchess today saying "doggie" - then we told her it was Dutchess... a few minutes later, she went back over and picked up the pix and was saying dutchess and kissing her... Looking at a picture of my dad - Grandpa - she was calling him Paaaaa.

Tomorrow is Steve's birthday - Happy Birthday Steve - Uncle Steve.. Love, Mike, Lisa, Niko, Vinnie & Eva!!!! Hope you have a great day!! We love you!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

October 10, 2010

Went to Indian Ladder today. Eva went on her 3rd Pony Ride. She had a good time petting the animals, Eating Cider Donuts, pumpkin picking and at the little park.

Oct 3 - After the Christening