Friday, April 30, 2010

April 30th

We went to BJ's and Walmart with Aunt Becky & Lexi today. Well, found out today that Eva is little miss independant. Walking all around Walmart and didn't want to be held at all. Walking around laughing throughout the store having a ball. If any of us tried to pick her up - NOPE - she wanted to run free!!!

Yes we did leave with a toy for Eva. I could not resist when she held the Zhu Zhu Pet in her hands (still in the box) and gave it a huge kiss (making a huge kissing sound). So, her Zhu Zhu Pet that she does have already from Grandma and Grandpa Zelasko has a little sister now!! lol.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Update ....

Eva has been walking now for a few weeks. She is getting better and better balance and faster and faster as the days go by!!!! She is so cute to watch!

There are words that she says - then they disappear and she never says them again.. then words I guess she likes to say. Today a new one came out "maaa". Too cute. Kitte Ca, Thant tu were so cute listening to - but she doesn't like to say them anymore. Mama, Dada, Mommie, Daddie, Nanna (Donna (nanna) is her daycare provider), she did say Niko a few times, dog (so we think) and of course the normal babble. She does love saying Baby alot. She points to the Gerber baby on her treat containers and smiles and says baby.

We do have pix from St Patty's Day and Easter to post - they will be coming soon......

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Eva's 1st Birthday

We cannot believe she is already one!!! (April 23, 2010). The time has gone by so fast and it seems like she has been in our lives for longer than she has. Her birthday party was on Saturday, April 24th at the American Legion in Green Island with lots of friends and family. She really had a good time!! Here are some pix..