Thursday, July 29, 2010

July 29, 2010

Today is the one month point since Dad has passed away. Hard few days, tons of tears.

Daddy (Mike) and Eva did some swimming at Grandma Zelasko's house. Mommy (Lisa) picked up Nanny after work and we all met at the house. Mike had to go to work early today - so he missed all of the fun. Grandma Zelasko, Nanny, Mommy (lisa), Eva, Niko, Lucy and Bootsie ate a nice dinner and hung out together. It ended up being a really fun day. Being with family makes the tough times so much easier.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

July 27, 2010 - Eva's 15 month Doctor Visit

Today Eva went to the doctors for her 15 month checkup - she received 2 shots - MMR and Chicken Pox Vaccine. Her Weight was 25 lbs (81%), Her height was 33 3/4 (99%), Her Head Circum was 47 (80%). Her doctor said that she was ahead of schedule on her language - very impressive seeing that English was not something that existed in her life for the first 9 months of her life. She is saying Peek A Boo, Thank You, Bless You and a ton of other words. The funniest word that has just recently come out of her mouth was "Mike".. lol... She does call him DaaDee.. but at times "Mike".. lol. She is such a smart little girl and picks up on things so quickly.

The doctor advised that we should start the process to get her off of her bottle as well as start potty training.... fun times.. lol

Boating on Saratoga Lake, Sunday, July 25

Wildwood Beach, Boardwalk & Sunset Beach - Cape May

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Wildwood Vacation July 2010 - Beach & Boardwalk

We are in Wildwood this week (July 19-24). Having a fun time - Eva loves the beach, the ocean, boardwalk and the pool. Here are some pix.... We will post more later..